Laborers in His Harvest

Greetings, Friends! We are at at amazing high watch time; and one thing I always like to emphasize is how we see God working on a ground level, in the midst of everything that we see going on right now. There are certainly the celestial signs, geopolitical signs, prophetic signs, etc. - but when we also see how the Lord is working in our own lives - that directly relates to this time - that further gives an amazing urgency and realization that time is so short. I hope you are reviewing the Timeline, and the story that is being told at this incredible time.

The past few days, it's been nice to step away from the computer for a while and try to rest, recharge, and also catch up on work at the Brook Cherith Medical Missions ministry. There's only so many hours in the day, and only one of me; so I can't always spend days researching, illustrating, editing videos, manning the comments desk, warning about false teachers, etc. - so 1) I need your prayers and actual, literal, physical help; and 2) it's nice to get outside in the fresh air and make stuff.

Since the recent meaty videos cover up through late February, the Lord's been bringing my focus and direction to some loose ends and projects here at the clinic - getting it ready for those who will be left behind immediately after the rapture. It's always amazing to see how the Lord re-directs where He wants my attention, focus, and time used - especially to see how He works in unique timely orchestrations that only He can do.

Just the other day, He brought my attention to a major concern in one of the clinic offices: the subfloor had rotted out due to a problem with the nearby septic line. But you couldn't see it from inside the office. As the Lord directed me to change out something specific in the room (which I rarely go into), the matter quickly came to my attention! Praise the Lord for pointing this out, and that it didn't affect other nearby rooms! Also, praise Him for very (very) timely provision that met the needed material expenses!! God knew it needed to be fixed!

It is such a blessing and encouragement to see how the Lord brings fellow servants into being a nourishing and helping hand in what the Lord has wrought here! In one way it is also dis-couraging to see how so few fellow servants only want to watch but never help or be a partaker of what they see the Lord doing. Indeed, it feels like trying to give away diamonds sometimes; yet nobody wants to be a part of eternal impacts - only a watcher. I've mentioned it before, but 99.9% of our viewers only want to watch what God does; they do not want to be a part of it. God's work does not need more watchers or viewers - it needs more labourers.

For all the years that I've been in ministry, it's always been a handful (literally counting) of fellow servants whom God has used in incredible ways to nourish me and meet my needs, and also bring about the Brook Cherith medical missions. We do not necessarily need the help of our fellowservants, since God faithfully provides just like the ravens at the Brook Cherith Scripture account. However, God is always looking for vessels that can be used for the King's business - that very few will ever have a part of. When the Lord directs, provides, and gives incredible liberty for such ministry projects as the Brook Cherith, I know that He has a plan and abundant harvest for the work in this corner of His vineyard. I wish more fellow servants would desire to be labourers in that harvest, though...

Friend, I told you that I will PROVOKE you unto 1) love, and 2) unto good works (Heb 10:24). Why? Because I. Want. You. To. Finish. With a starry crown. A crown that you can thankfully place at His feet, for the beautiful privilege and offer to be a part of what He alone has done through His commissioned vessels.

On that day, I don't want you to be a watcher. WATCHING, only because that is what you did instead of serving, partaking, encouraging, uplifting, provoking, and actually doing: redeeming the time that was slipping through your fingers like sand. The overwhelming majority of Christians today only want to be watchers; so that is what they will do in eternity... WATCH others receive rewards and crowns. WATCH others with their treasures deposited into eternity. WATCH others while 'their own' assets be taken from them, and given to more responsible servants (Matt 25:26-29) - because they were slothful.

The King is not pleased with lukewarm servants who only want to sit on their duff and watch; they make Him sick (Rev 3:16). Will Christ call us a slothful watcher - or ready vessel for His service? Our King left standing orders that He wants to FIND US with our loins girded about (dressed for work, with our proverbial work gloves on), FIND US with our lamps actively burning (Luke 12:34-37), and FIND US on our toes expecting Him. He promises to reward those servants. Will He find us so - or will He find us on the couch only watching the other servants who are?

Friend, the hour is very late; be sure to review our PDF resource, Running for the Prize. Some will receive The Prize; while others will get to Watch. I cannot run your race for you; but I can provoke you to finish stronger and farther than where you were when you started. I cannot give you oil from my lamp; but I can tell you how you can get your own oil - and that it will cost you. Each day and hour that passes, the Bridegroom is getting closer and closer. Be sure when He arrives, that He finds you with YOUR LIGHT burning.

Till He comes, there is work to do in His vineyard - getting ready for the harvest. I invite you to be a part of planting into eternity. Here at the Brook Cherith, over the days ahead, I will be working on tending to expanding and augmenting the capabilities: enlarging the borders. The Lord has laid two pressing needs on my heart, that I have started working to address - and I invite you to be a fellow labourer in the King's harvest.

PROJECT #1 is to ultimately have an off-grid laundry area, suited particularly for the medical clinic needs. This includes everything from patient linens, gowns, surgical linens, scrubs, personal clothing and linens, etc. Currently we have limited supplies where it can all be done manually; but that is insanely hard. We also don't even have an area set up for it. So, the current plan is to purchase a used enclosed trailer, and outfit it with two washer and dryer sets, slop sinks, folding tables, generator, ozone laundry system, etc. Also, a number of clean water tanks and waste water tanks. By outfitting a trailer (similar to ones used in disasters), it will be quickly moveable for when they can move the whole clinic to a better facility. This project could quickly get to the usable stage (even if just having a working space), while brought to different stages as funds come in.

PROJECT #2 is a whole lot easier; but still pricey. Currently we have no real place for medical volunteers to sleep, refresh, and clean up. Immediately after the rapture, several will be caught away from home, etc. and will need a place to sleep nearby - that is safe and providing them with food during those chaotic days. The goal is to purchase a used camper trailer, especially the bunk type, that can sleep several. This would also provide everything they need in one easily moveable place. It will greatly help getting volunteers to stay, if they know there are accommodations available for them. This project would be quickly ready and available (almost buy it and park it), once provision comes in.

Currently we do not have the funds for these; but the Lord has greatly laid them on my heart and mind, as critical areas that really need to be ready-to-go as soon as the rapture happens. (Usually, this is the way the Lord works: bringing the need to mind, thinking about the logistics for it, and then He provides when I got a good idea of how to go forward and we're ready for it). So, I go forward in faith, not worrying about what I can't do; I only worry about what I can do. God will take care of the rest as we take the steps forward, and in His timing. In the meantime, I am already starting to clear the areas where these trailers could go, along with planning logistics such as sidewalks, power and water hookups, lighting and graveling the parking areas, etc. We'll go forward to make it as optimally ready as possible for when we can take those next steps! Your help gives great liberty and ability to make all of these steps!

Friend, I do not know how much time we have - but it don't look like much! I invite you to be a part of these projects - affecting countless lives and souls for eternity - during this incredibly important prophetic time. Please ask the Lord how you can contribute, encourage, nourish, and uplift these needs and weary arms. The hour is very late. LET US be found taking steps - together - right into eternity. LET US gird up our loins, roll up our sleeves, and put on our work gloves. LET US demonstrate His love in tangible service to Him and others. LET US - SO MUCH THE MORE - be found shining so that the world glorifies our Father. And may we be FOUND - REMEMBERING Him, LOVING Him, and SERVING Him - FIRST - and HIGHEST ABOVE ALL ELSE!!

Brother Daniel



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