Timeline Update

The Timeline is now updated to show up through May 18th. This allows us to more clearly see the scope of upcoming major events such as Israel's 71st anniversary (marking the end of after 70 years, Jer. 29:10), as well as the 50th year since the decree for Jerusalem to be rebuilt (marking end of 49 years/7 weeks). It should not surprise us that both of these anniversary windows are essentially a day or two apart!!

We see those as upper limits; where we are right now has incredible multiple celestial reminders, warnings of peace and safety, temple preparations - as well as being near the Biblical time when Christ spoke of His ascension! We are looking for Him to come in the same manner as He left! The celestial reminders recall when the Lamb was offered on our behalf - and what happens next prophetically! Check it out! So much telling us to expect our Redeemer and Beloved! Let us occupy, strengthen, exhort, and encourage one another - till He comes - and so much the more when we know what time it is!! Faith in action! Maranatha!!

Ministry Update

Praise the Lord for continued emphasis on this time, and the projects He has given strength, wisdom, and liberty for! We are continuing to streamline certain areas with the Brook Cherith medical missions project, getting it ready for those who will be left behind after the rapture. The Lord is emphasizing this now - focusing on certain critical areas - because time appears super short! We truly believe that His work in this corner of the vineyard will be used very soon. Read more...

Where are the Fellow Servants?

At this high watch time, where we are expecting to meet our King, I want to address and challenge you with a very provoking and unpopular subject that Christ specifically mentioned will come up when He returns: our accountability as stewards of His instructions. We will all give a reckoning of what He entrusted to us while He was away... Read more...

Ministry Update

We are at an amazing watch time, here at the timing of Christ's Triumphal Entry! Now through the Passover week is filled with so many reminders of the exact instructions that Jesus told His disciples to teach about His return (Matt 28:20; John 14:26)! Read more...

Timeline Update

Greetings, Friends! I just updated the Timeline to show some of the recent real-world agricultural markers showing that Spring is already underway in Israel, and that the barley is right on track to be ready for the Wavesheaf Offering (Firstfruits of firstfruits) in just over two weeks. Read more...



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