Rapture Library Update 4/25/2021 Tired greetings from The Brook Cherith, Friends!! Praise the Lord for all that He is working and preparing at this prophetic threshold. Indeed, as we consider the 73rd (Gregorian & Biblical) anniversary of Israel coming up soon - right in context with the Rev 12 final count - and with the Ascension and Pentecost reminders - we have so much that should be giving us an urgency to redeem this precious time. I was telling some folks, just yesterday, how amazed I am that April is almost over! Time is slipping through our fingers so quickly - along with the eternal opportunities. I hope and pray that you have been especially seeking to redeem these Rev 12 days. Read more... |
Pilgrim Patterns 4/12/2021 A watchman's job and duty is not to tell you what you want to hear; it is to tell you what the watchman sees. The watchman has a different perspective and vantage point; and their observations are over a longer duration of time than those who seek his reports. Ultimately, his job is to pass on what he observes - on both sides of the wall. Praise the Lord, He has set me as an Innkeeper and Watchman, here at The Brook Cherith; and it has been my commission to share with travelers, whom He has brought across my path, all that the Lord has shewn me from this unique vantage observation point. We have watched rare celestial events, shoulder to shoulder out in the field; we have observed corresponding geopolitical events, and we have sat around the Inn table studying Scripture for wisdom and insight to these prophetic signs, warnings, and occurrences. But it is all what the Master has given the Innkeeper to share with you; what he sees, and what he is shewn. Read more... |
Thoughts on Feeding 5,000 4/11/2021 Greetings from the sunny Brook Cherith, Friends! I hope and pray that you are strengthened, encouraged, and excited by what the Lord is working at this late prophetic hour. Certainly, every day, the news is filled with more crazier and crazier activities by those working to hand over power to the coming antichrist; but we should especially more and more keep our eyes looking unto Jesus, His promises, and our Father's hand at work - at such a dark and weary midnight hour. Read more... |
Storm Report and Thoughts 3/18/2021 Thank you for your prayers, Friends!!! Praise the Lord, all is well and last night's severe storms ended several hours sooner than they were initially expecting! Instead of being up till 3am, I was able to go to bed a little before midnight! Still feeling the effects of being keyed-up all day, yesterday; but wanted to share a few praises and thoughts. Walking around this morning, I didn't see any damage. Thankfully, the wind wasn't too much worse than a very heavy thunderstorm; but we got quite a bit of rain. There was one tornado, with damage, about thirty minutes from us. And that same one also tracked very close, just shaving by, south of us; but as it was losing strength. There were about four different tornado warnings that affected, or came very close to, our direct area. Read more... |
Rapture Library Update 3/16/2021 Greetings from The Brook Cherith, Friends!! It is so amazing to see how our Lord is working - rapidly - at this late hour, giving so much wisdom, strength, and liberty to prepare so much for this prophetic late hour!! Especially since late March (as you can see on the Timeline), our Father has been really giving an urgency and ability to work on the Rapture Library vessel! So much is coming together! Read more... |
Rev 12 Sign 1,260 Day Offset 3/7/2021 Greetings from The Brook Cherith, Friends!! What an amazing time, with so much coming together that our Father has shewed us! The past few days have been incredible seeing how the Lord has worked, here at The Brook Cherith, readying so many preparations for the Rapture Library, and also for the clinic work which He prepared! He has definitely given wisdom, strength, and liberty - as well as a definite sense of urgency at the lateness of the prophetic hour. Read more... |
Grateful Doorkeepers 8/22/2020 Greetings from the rainy Brook Cherith, Friends! Praise the Lord for what He is working at this late hour; and how so many things show us the lateness of the hour - and the importance of going forward in hearing and obedient faith. Praise the Lord, yesterday and today, we were able to have three different helpers on site, coming together to help tackle some more of the major work on the generator trailer. It always amazes me how our Father has brought different people - from different states and countries - all together (in person or via assistance) for His group family project of launching out at this late prophetic hour and threshold to catch as many souls as possible. Our Father has not just pointed out the commission; but He has orchestrated people - and their loaves and fishes parts - that collectively reach hundreds and thousands of lives. Read more... |
Watching the Lord Work 7/22/2020 Praise the Lord for what He is doing at this very late hour!! Every day He is working, giving strength, wisdom, provision, and liberty for the work that He started at the Brook Cherith - and building to this incredible prophetic harvest time!! He is the One preparing, enabling, and outfitting these vessels and nets!! What an incredible opportunity and commission He offers us to be a part of serving - as His vessels - in preparing His vessels!! Read more... |
Timeline Expanded with Watch Highlights 6/24/2020 Praise the Lord, the Timeline is now updated and expanded! I've also added a new 'Watch' icon, to extra-highlight significant events, celestial markers, and seasonal changes that most catch my attention. I also made the file size smaller, making it easier to download. Lord willing, I'm going to keep the main Timeline just focused on about a three month window; while (soon) archiving past months on the website. We can certainly see so many events and seasonal changes - referenced by Christ and the Song of Solomon - coming up very soon! Read more... |
Timeline Review 5/11/2020 What an amazing week we are at right now! So many laden celestial events, geopolitical events, historical commemorations, and Biblical commemorations - coming together for such a time as this!! Be sure to review the Timeline for a greater overview of everything coming together: the celestial events when we lift up our heads, the work that God is doing on the ground level, and all the events in between! Read more... |
The Quickest Way To Gain - Or Lose - Many Rewards 5/10/2020 Friends, we find ourselves running very short on time. The enemy knows the prophetic and celestial time; and they are fully aware of the implications of the peace and safety messages that have been declared. They also know the full implications of 'Corona' - a crown - at this time, too. On May 14th - the same day that marks the historic replanting of Israel - there is even the association of the Roman Catholic's Saint Corona, as her feast day. Interestingly, this year, additional emphasis is on both her and corona/stephanos (the virus and crowns). The enemy is fully aware that many Christians are about to lose immense rewards and crowns due to an indifferent and Laodicean attitude (Rev 3:15-19); most Christians are not Philadelphians, who are holding fast to Christ's Words and their crown (Rev 3:11). Read more... |
Going Out to Meet the Bridegroom - with Excuses and Corban 3/16/2020 Greetings from Shelby, Alabama! Praise the Lord for all that He is working at this very late hour! He has given us wisdom, weeks and months ago, that has been instrumental to rising up and shining bright at this late hour! We warned you, that come mid-March, the general (largely American) person would START to panic. And right on time, that happened. Read more... |
Going Forward Step By Step! 1/27/2020 Greetings from Shelby, Alabama! Praise the Lord for how He is working, and reminding us to finish strong and be found busy in His service! Whether here or in your own area, the Lord is preparing hearts, preparing places, and preparing daily opportunities for His servants! How beautiful to work and serve alongside our Father and Beloved! Read more... |
Loaves and Fishes 1/20/2020 Greetings, Friends! Praise the Lord for what He is doing, and using as a sign for US! To see Him preparing a place for those in the days ahead, is a sign by itself. Some may think that the scope is limited to only those in this local area; but God's working is visible to you, where ever you are. Certainly, He has also prepared the printed material that can be used to minister and prepare a place/provision in your area, too! What should amaze us is that God is preparing not just one place - but He is using this place to encourage many others to have a heart and concern for those who will be left behind! God's grace, love, and mercy will be seen - in many ways and areas - by the tangible places and provisions that He has prepared ahead of time. Read more... |
Once-In-History 1/17/2020 Praise the Lord for what He is doing at this late hour!! It is incredible and beautiful to see how He is preparing a place, and using His servants to work together in this special, one-time-only ministry project. What do I mean by that? The Lord is preparing a place that is specifically designed to be used immediately after the rapture, as a testimony to His love, grace, and mercy. There is only one rapture (the escape from ALL things coming; Luke 21:36) in all of history. What we are seeing here is a special working of God that He has not offered to any other servants in history; nor will ever again. Read more... |
Laborers in His Harvest 1/15/2020 Greetings, Friends! We are at at amazing high watch time; and one thing I always like to emphasize is how we see God working on a ground level, in the midst of everything that we see going on right now. There are certainly the celestial signs, geopolitical signs, prophetic signs, etc. - but when we also see how the Lord is working in our own lives - that directly relates to this time - that further gives an amazing urgency and realization that time is so short. I hope you are reviewing the Timeline, and the story that is being told at this incredible time. Read more... |
Celestial Sign Field Experience 12/1/2019 Greetings, Friends! I hope you are going outside, looking up, and lifting up yer heads RIGHT NOW! I bundled up, and went out to the field tonight, to take some pictures; but also to spend some time observing the circuits of the heavens, reflecting on all that God has been showing us about this time! Pop quiz on our astronomy project from last post!! I wanted y'all to go out and compare Venus and Pleiades. Apparently there is false information being promoted by other channels, so I want you to have first-hand field experience! Did you go out and compare the size of Venus and Pleiades? Well, I hope you tried; but, since false info is still spreading (and they're using doctored images, and getting people to fret, and not pay attention to the signs right now...) I thought we'd go out and look at this more deeply. Read more... |
Clinic Ministry Tour 11/25/2019 Greetings, Friends! Praise the Lord for how He is working at this amazing Hanukkah time! So many reminders to check our lamp's oil, trim our lamps, and shine bright - and so much the more as we see The Expected Day approaching!! Praise the Lord for how His work is seen - both in the heavens and in our lives! So much telling us that time is very short! Read more... |
Burning the Midnight Oil 11/21/2019 Greetings, and Howdy from Shelby, Alabama! Praise the Lord, I finally got a moment to give y'all a quick update and reminder to Look Up!! I hope you've had opportunity to go outside, about thirty minutes after sunset, and see Jupiter and Venus getting closer and closer to each other! On the 24th, they will be as close as they will get - standing right in the middle of the Milky Way! Be sure to review our recent Throne video for all that is coming together - and that we can visually see with our own eyes! The bright celestial lights reminding us to shine bright for our Beloved Redeemer! Read more... |
Seeing the Footstool Time 10/22/2019 Praise the Lord for this amazing high watch time!! This truly is a time to make an effort to go outside, look up, and lift up your heads at what the heavens are declaring! Praise the Lord, I was able to go outside tonight and take a few pictures, reflecting on how God's celestial clock is showing us the signs and time. As noted on the Timeline and videos, we are in a timeframe where this footstool sign is being declared. Right now, through November 1/2, Jupiter will still be at Ophiuchus' right foot, in line with treading on Scorpius, Hercules' foot treading directly on the head of Draco, and in line with Orion (whose story directly relates to Scorpius stinging his heel). Read more... |
Looking Up at the Clock! 09/30/2019 Greetings, Friends! I hope you have been going outside at night, and looking up and lifting up your heads! Many people have questions about the calendar time - but we can look up and see what sign time it is, very clearly! We can see a day approaching, declared in the heavens, and in a pictorial choreograph that is universal in language. I was reflecting today on how Scorpius is one of the few constellations that the stars actually closely resemble what it depicts; very easy to spot: the scorpion, with Jupiter the King planet right over it. Read more... |
A Time of Departures 09/27/2019 Grace, strength, and blessing to you, Friends! This week has just flown by; and there are so many things coming together telling us that time is so very short! I thought about making a radar recap video, today; but the Lord impressed other tasks that needed to be tended to, due to the shortness of time. With all that He has shown and worked, lately, I know we must go forward day-by-day, and hour-by-hour, seeking what He would have us do to redeem the time! Praise the Lord, those tasks are done for today, so I thought I'd check in with another post. Read more... |
Reflecting on His Hand 09/25/2019 Blessings and peace to you, dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Praise the Lord for all that He is doing - in this world, in our hearts, in our minds, and in our midst. We see His hand mightily guiding, upholding, strengthening, and shewing us the time - that it is very short. Read more... |
Reflecting on Recent Medical Events 09/24/2019 Greetings, Friends! I think yesterday's marathon is catching up to me, today. :-D I'm wiped, and got a dull headache. Brain feels like cotton. :-P Praise the Lord, yesterday He gave amazing strength and clarity throughout the waiting and visit. When I got home, though, the emotional and physical drain caught up with me. Praise the Lord, He gave inner peace and rest, although the brain was wondering about the various ways it could go. Read more... |
Two Years Along the Story Line 09/18/2019 Howdy from Shelby, Alabama, again! :-D I hope you have been able to either go outside and look up at the celestial signs, or that you enjoy occasionally joining me in the field to look up together. Indeed, with all that is coming together - RIGHT NOW - I can still go outside and see perhaps one of the strongest signs that we are at the threshold of The Day approaching. Looking southward, about an hour after sunset, we see Jupiter shining brightly over the middle portion of Scorpius; while also between the two feet of Ophiuchus - which are treading on the scorpion. Read more... |
Time is Running Out 09/18/2019 Greetings, Brothers and Sisters! It is amazing the calm excitement that is present at this time - a palpable feeling of urgency, that time is short, and that so much is funneling down to a fully-expected time: The Day is so closely approaching! The celestial signs are now ticking to highlight Crater the Cup - the cup of judgment that will be poured out on the serpent's back. It has caught my attention how the Israeli elections are right at this time, especially when we consider that Jerusalem will be a cup of trembling! We see so much talk in the news, speculating how the election results may result in wars and conflict! We have certainly heard the overlooming 'deal of the century' and calls for peace and safety also building to this very time and context. Scripturally, we know that sudden destruction looms. Read more... |
Redeeming Valuable Time 09/16/2019 Dear Friends, the more that I consider the Timeline, look up into the heavens, and consider all that the Lord is DAILY working on the ground level here at the Brook Cherith, I KNOW that time is short; and I KNOW that we SEE THE DAY APPROACHING! We can literally see the celestial signs of Him making His enemies His footstool. We can literally see and hear the news reports of calls for 'peace and safety'. We can literally see the agricultural, meteorological, and fauna pictures specifically mentioned in context of the day of indignation. And we can literally see how the Lord is also working His mighty hand to also extend grace and mercy during The Day that we literally see approaching. Time is so short. Read more... |
Quick Timeline Look 09/15/2019 Greetings, Friends! I hope you have been reviewing the Timeline, and considering all that the Lord has shown us about this amazing time!! We see what He has shown us about where we are, and we see what He is doing on a ground level in proportion to this time, and we see in the news the geopolitical warnings about this time - all telling us that the sudden destruction (The Day) is approaching! Read more... |
Be Found With Work Gloves On 09/13/2019 PRAISE THE LORD FOR WHAT HE IS DOING AT THIS VERY LATE HOUR!!! Wednesday, after I had just moved the new fridge(!!) into the kitchen, I had the thought... Read more... |
Watching the Outpouring 09/11/2019 Wow, and Praise the Lord!! That's about all I can say when I look at all that the Lord is doing at this incredibly late hour!! Praise Him for His wisdom, provision, leading, and demonstration of grace and mercy - right in context with all the celestial signs and prophetic time understanding that He is giving us! Together, they are loudly trumpeting that He is at the door! When we look at the Timeline - and then look at what He is enabling during just the past three days since our last report - Wow! Time is so short!! Read more... |
Such as Time as This 09/10/2019 Greetings, Friends! It is amazing how time is flying by, and how the Lord is working at this incredible time! Last night I was able to get another picture of Jupiter, now that the bright moon is out of the way. As we can see, it really hasn't moved much since the place where it stood still - reminding us so much of the afterglow story that followed in the Wise Men's account! We are awaiting a departure! Read more... |
Clinic Update 09/08/2019 Greetings, Friends! What a busy and amazing time! Praise the Lord for all that He is doing at this late hour! It's been incredible to see how the Lord is working - at the ground level, in our own lives - while also showing us the incredible celestial and prophetic time! They go together, and we should not be surprised to see how the Lord prepares us, and presents divine opportunities of service, planting, and watering, here at this late hour! Read more... |
Looking Unto Jesus 08/09/2019 Greetings, Friends! What an amazing time! I hope that you have gone outside and looked up, and lifted up your head to what the heavens are declaring! We've had some rain clouds, lately; but Monday (5th) was absolutely clear sky, and I got a picture of Jupiter standing over Scorpius. Amazing how brilliant and easily visible this amazing sign is! Read more... |
The Morning Star Twinkle 07/26/2019 Friends, lately, the Lord has been impressing upon me the close weaving of beautiful Biblical pictures and references of shining bright, running the race, the morning star, and finishing strong. The more that we study them (especially at this morning star time of the year!), the more we see how the Lord is bringing our attention to what He desires to see in our life. As I think about the Biblical promise of hearing the last trump, and being caught up in the twinkling of an eye, I can't help but think of the real-world illusions how these truly happen. Read more... |
The Last Trump-Pence 07/25/2019 Greetings, Friends! Be sure to daily review the Timeline and Sky Notes, as there is so much coming together right now! So many reminders to shine bright for our Beloved! Time is so short! And lately, it's also been impressed how much the enemy also knows time is short - and that sudden destruction is coming, very soon. Read more... |
As Unto One of These 07/24/2019 Friends, I watched a precious little video, yesterday; about a teenager - born without arms - who was encouraged and provoked by his coach and friends to push - and press himself - into jumping to new heights and achievements. The coach had to get in his face a few times, and really push him, before the young man dared to push himself. To see his, and his coach's, tears of joy - after reaching what he was pressing for - was very moving, and brought tears to my eyes. At this very late prophetic hour, it reminded me so well why we PROVOKE and EXHORT one another unto love and unto good works; and so much the more. Read more... |
Looking Up Thoughts 07/23/2019 Brethren, I am looking up! There are so many celestial reminders telling us the time! I truly hope that you have made an effort to go outside, and look up at God's amazing handiwork, signs, and time. And really not just go outside and look up, but stay looking up - thinking, reflecting, and spending time with God, mulling over the incredible learning journey that He has brought us all on. He brought you across our path for a reason. He showed us things for a reason. He is working in our lives and hearts for a reason. Do we know the reason? Read more... |
Bright Light Celestial Reminders! 07/21/2019 Friends, I hope you have been going out into the real outdoors, and looking up at the celestial signs being declared in the heavens! Even during the daytime, we can consider on where the bright celestial signs are taking place! In the night, we see the strong portrayal of the next prophetic chapter and promise! Read more... |
The Enemy Knows the Time 07/21/2019 Greetings Friends! What a crazy - yet amazing - time! In this post I want to just focus on showing you some of how the enemy has been watching this particular 2012-2019 seven-year time period (and a whole lot longer than that, too!) - apparently expecting something to wrap up soon. As Christ's disciples, we are to be wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves (Matt 10:16). We are not to be completely ignorant of what the mystery of iniquity is doing; but at the same time, we should limit ourselves to being simple to the things of evil (Rom 16:19). Read more... |
Knowing Celestial Time! 07/20/2019 Greetings, Friends! Praise the Lord for the wisdom and insight that He is giving at this high expectant time! The Lord has been pointing out multiple things - in this month of HEARING; and we should not be surprised, when we take steps to hear from Him, that He has things that He wants to shew us! He wants us to know the time, and He wants us to live accordingly. And when we draw nigh to Him - as a loving Father - He can then point out treasures and nuggets that many others miss, because they are content where they are. Let us rise up and draw close to Him - and sup with Him in close fellowship - now! Read more... |
View from the Hay Field! 07/18/2019 Hey, hay! Coming to you from a hay field in Shelby, Alabama! (This was totally not planned) :-D I was taking a short walk outside tonight, when the Lord drew my attention to how clear the sky was tonight; and how easily Jupiter and Scorpius were visible. So, next thing I know, we're tromping out into the hay field, wearing flip-flops, carrying a tripod and camera. :-D Read more... |
Looking Up - and Remembering 07/18/2019 Howdy from Alabama, again! :-D There's so much that could be covered about this sobering celestial time! In this post, I want to illustrate more how the enemy has repeatedly focused on this time over the past few decades (and way more than that). The enemy knows that the son of perdition will be revealed right after Christ is revealed and gathers His ready, wise, and faithful servants: His Bride. It is only after that evacuation of Christ's diplomatic corp (His ambassadors), that the wicked one is unrestrained and revealed; the enemy is looking for the latter. Read more... |
Peace and Safety... and Then... 07/18/2019 Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Praise the Lord for the wisdom and insight He is giving to this amazing time! There are certainly so many Biblical pictures, patterns, instructions, warnings - and promises - that deal with this time! Be sure to check out the Timeline; the link is much easier to read and study. Every day we update it with what the Lord is pointing out! We are studying the time (and so should you!) - so we can live in light of the time! Read more... |
Blackout and Shining Bright! 07/17/2019 Greetings, Friends! What an amazing prophetic and celestial time!! It is also incredible to see what the Lord is doing on the ground-level, so to speak, by how He gave the strength, wisdom, and liberty to produce 7(!) videos right at the time of these amazing celestial signs! We have so many reasons to be rising up, shining bright, and going forward to meet our Bridegroom - with high expectation right now!! Read more... |
A Time to Hear and Shine 07/03/2019 Greetings, Friends! I've just expanded the Timeline to give a better sense and understanding of the important season we are at right now! Practically every day now, we've been seeing significant geopolitical news and discussion relating to "peace and safety" - with so much also showing us how certain events could quickly spiral to sudden destruction. Read more... |
When Departure Time is at Hand 06/26/2019 Friends, grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity (Eph. 6:24). Our Beloved Redeemer has brought us to this place on our learning journey where we see multiple signs, warnings, and reminders of what He and His apostles told us to look for. We have arrived at 'summer' - the very picture Christ used as a parallel picture of a destination, in like manner as to the closeness of His appearing. We are now at a unique time where we see contrasting perspectives of a world in moral rebellion vs. those who are looking for the One Who is Holy and True. We have been told to look for Him, live in light of His appearing, purify ourselves, and to be holy as He is holy. Read more... |
Why Noah's Laws Now? 06/23/2019 Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I hope that you have been searching the Scriptures with a readiness to see what God's Word says. I am constantly reminded that Christ told us His return would be in the days of Noah and Lot - and we see these two themes coming together very strongly, especially in this month associated with Pride against the Creator's Laws which are clearly seen. It also shouldn't surprise us that it wasn't long after God gave Noah instructions and reminders to teach the following generations, that Lot's account - and Sodom and Gomorrah - came up; both of these subjects go together. Read more... |
Being A Timothy 06/20/2019 Friends, Christ emphasized that the churches must listen and heed to what He said - especially more so when they realize that He is coming quickly, and at the door. When Christ asked the rhetorical question about whether He will find faith when He returns, the pause and implication is "barely." Christ is not looking for people who merely hear Scripture, and have a vague trivia head-knowledge of what He said; He is looking for those that heed - put into obedient action - what He said. Christ also gave repeated examples of what His servants should absolutely NOT be doing, if they want to escape what is coming on the world. Read more... |
He That Hath An Ear 06/18/2019 Friends, here at this very late hour, it has been sobering to see many of the reactions from those who watched(?) or read(?) (or neither) our latest videos and the in-depth Bible study on the particular subject of righteous Gentiles. On one hand, there were many positive comments, and indications that some were familiar with the Bible subject - or at least willing to be a Berean and search out the Scriptures whether it was true or not. Kudos to those who are willing to search the Scripture; they are more noble than those that often don't (Acts 17:11). Read more... |
Called Christians First Greetings, Friends. The Timeline has been updated to reflect that the new moon was not sighted, as expected, on June 4th. That makes the 1st of the 4th month on June 5th. The 1st of the 4th month also marks the colloquial, average-joe-understanding start of the Hebrew summer (4th, 5th, & 6th month; similar to how many northern latitude areas consider June, July, and August 'summer'). Read more... |
Shining Bright Reminders! It is amazing how much the "Deal of the Century" and general "peace and safety/security" discussions are filling the news! With both Russia and China now announcing their boycott of Trump's plan, the viability will certainly raise even more discussion. Scripture does not say a plan comes to fruition - just that it is being very notably talked about - and that is a red flag warning that sudden destruction is coming - just like the days of Noah and Lot! Read more... |
Tents Are Up! Praise the Lord, the past few days have been extremely busy (and hot!)! The Lord provided the offerings to purchase the very large-ticket items to make the new Delayed tent, and nearby Staging Tent, possible - including lumber, key hardware, lighting, plumbing, and electrical items needed to get the Delayed Tent functional! It also enabled us to purchase needed hardware and lumber to finish sealing up the recent Triage tent. Praise the Lord, it also gave great liberty to place a large order for very needed medical supplies. Praise our Lord for His abundant provision - for His ministry project!! Read more... |
Looking Up! Good Evening, Friends! I just came in from outside - looking up at Jupiter by Ophiuchus' right foot, right over Scorpius' tail. Indeed, we can still go outside, literally lift up our heads - literally look up - and we can see a literal celestial sign that reminds us of the time, and the promises that are very real and present at this late hour. Go outside and LOOK UP for this reminder: that our redemption - by our Redeemer - is very nigh! Jupiter is very bright! Read more... |
Celestial Radar Report I hope y'all are having a great weekend - looking up! Venus is still a beautiful morning star (in the east), and Jupiter is still a morning star (in the west). Both of these remind us of the promises in Revelation 2:28 "...I will give him [the overcomer] the morning star." - and - how Christ finishes the Book of Revelation (22:16): "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." Read more... |
The Cup of Cold Water Test Brothers and Sisters, I want to share with you some thoughts and observations of what the Lord is doing right now. We know that this is a high watchtime - here in this Springtime, filled with prophetic warnings and milestones - where we are awaiting our Beloved and Master. While He tarries, though, there is still work to do. Planting to be done. Watering to be tended to. Light to be shown. Steps to be taken. His voice to be hearkened to... Read more... |
Counting the Anniversary Happy Weekend, Friends! I just wanted to touch on a brief subject that apparently a number of people are confused about, regarding Israel and the prophetic time. I've heard other people mention it before, and we've definitely included the correct counting on the Timeline ( ). This is important because some people were getting hyped up (via other channels/blogs) thinking that May 14th was the end of Israel's 70th year, and thus Christ had to return. Around May 14th, 2019, Israel FINISHED 71 full years, and thus celebrated their 71st Anniversary. This works just like any other birthday or anniversary; you celebrate it when you are done, and have accomplished that time period. Israel is now entering their 72nd year. Israel's 70th year started around May 2017, and ended around May 2018. Read more... |
Timeline Expanded Howdy from Alabama! It's me again! :-D Just had to share that the Timeline has been updated and expanded a bit, to help better show the prophetic context at this time! Amazing to consider all that the Spirit reminds us of at this prophetic time; especially at this very date (May 14th) that caught so many people's prophetic attention 71 years ago. We know, from our Saviour's promises, that that replanting signaled that the rest of the final prophetic chapter was about to start - and that it would happen within the lifespan of people that saw the signal event. Read more... |
Ground Level Update Greetings, Friends, on this anniversary of Israel's replanting! Such an important reminder time! We all know what Jesus said about that geopolitical marker: that He was nigh, even at the doors! Such a powerful reminder for us - here in the Springtime - where we are expecting our Beloved! Read more... |
Pentecost Christians Today (12th) marked the end of the Shavuot day (Pentecost), but in general Jewish thought it carries beyond it a few days, reflecting the events that happened at Mount Sinai. The Biblical day is only one; but there is a context of events that followed AFTER the timing of Shavuot. This immediate post-Pentecost time contains some powerful pictures of Moses being called up into the mountain clouds! Right here at this time when we have two powerful anniversary dates connected to Israel - the fig tree - and that we should be expecting our redemption (pick up of a purchased possession) at this time! Read more... |
A Time of Promises! Hello, Friends! Praise the Lord for everything that is coming together at this time - reminding us of so many prophetic warnings and signs! Be sure that you keep up with Timeline, as a reminder of the important geopolitical and prophetic milestones that are being reached over the next FEW days! Read more... |
Ascension Day Looking Up! Greetings, Friends! It's been an amazing past week, seeing how the Lord has been working at this high watch time! When we look at the Timeline, in just a few days will be the calendar mark for Ascension Day (May 2nd)!!! What a powerful reminder at this Springtime - where we are expecting our Beloved to return for His Bride! Read more... |
Ministry Update Praise the Lord for all that He is doing at this amazing time! With so much prophetically coming together, we should not be surprised to see how the Lord is working in our hearts and lives - confirming the time, and calling us closer to His side! When we look at the Timeline, we can see that we are in the midst of the second month - right at the time when manna came down from heaven - right at the time that Christ alluded that He (the Bread come down from heaven) would ascend back up to heaven! Aware of His fulfillment, then, - and the promises made around and at that time - we are definitely looking for Him to appear the second time in like manner! (and Ascension isn't that far off, either!) Incredible reminders - of our Beloved - right here in this beautiful Springtime! Read more... |
Feeding 5,000 Dear Friends, thank you to those who prayed for us during the recent severe weather! Praise the Lord for safety, for me and Brook Cherith. It was definitely a long, late night keeping track of the storms, with a bunch of thunder and gusty winds; but the Lord directed through the storm. We only lost power for about two hours. Now to catch up on some sleep! :-D Read more... |
Another Exhausted Ox... Friends, I have a few thoughts on this beautiful Springtime day, while we await our Beloved... Firstly, the Timeline is updated. Read more... |
Timeline Update The Timeline is now updated to show up through May 18th. This allows us to more clearly see the scope of upcoming major events such as Israel's 71st anniversary (marking the end of after 70 years, Jer. 29:10), as well as the 50th year since the decree for Jerusalem to be rebuilt (marking end of 49 years/7 weeks). Read more... |
Ministry Update Praise the Lord for continued emphasis on this time, and the projects He has given strength, wisdom, and liberty for! We are continuing to streamline certain areas with the Brook Cherith medical missions project, getting it ready for those who will be left behind after the rapture. The Lord is emphasizing this now - focusing on certain critical areas - because time appears super short! We truly believe that His work in this corner of the vineyard will be used very soon. Read more... |
Where are the Fellow Servants? At this high watch time, where we are expecting to meet our King, I want to address and challenge you with a very provoking and unpopular subject that Christ specifically mentioned will come up when He returns: our accountability as stewards of His instructions. We will all give a reckoning of what He entrusted to us while He was away... Read more... |